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MALDITA EDUCA work in the COVID-19 infodemic

Publicado Apr 6, 2020, 9:32:28 AM
Etiquetas has been working for almost two months to fight the disinformation around the COVID-19 pandemic. For this we have developed a specific project in which we debunk disinformation and create content based on scientific and expert voices, solve our audience questions and give prevention advice sharing all this content with our community of more than 3 million users on all platforms. 

Only in March we have reached over 10 million users only through our site. We have also developed alliances with other fact-checking organizations around the world and other media outlets in Spain, from radio to national TV, so that our content has a much greater reach and impact. 

Debunking in this crisis

In the last two months we have denied more than 350 hoaxes related to COVID-19. Most of these hoaxes circulate on WhatsApp and are sent by our community to our social networks to confirm their veracity. The main topics of these hoaxes are related to cures, drugs and disease prevention, conspiracy theories, and authorities and governments. We have also identified an increase in phishing cases.

Our science section answers our audience's questions

Maldita Ciencia is our dedicated section to science dedicated to scientific dissemination focused on health, food and other sciences. 

This section has become key in our battle against disinformation about COVID-19. We have produced more than 300 pieces solving queries from our community and spreading scientific information using official sources and experts to solve them.

In a global infodemic, estretegic alliances are key

In order to reach more and different audiences and stop disinformation faster, we have and are creating alliances with organizations, the media and public institutions:

New projects to battle disinformation

We identified the need to expand the formats and forms of communication for citizens during this crisis. So we are developing new projects:

  • Whatsapp bot: In alliance with CovidWarriors and Whatsapp we are automating our queries service.
  • Brigades against COVID-19 misinformation: We are organizing citizen groups that will distribute our daily anti-disinformation packages that include audio and images to distribute on social media.
  • Visual information for all audiences: Focusing especially on the elderly, we are creating educational material on the prevention of contagion and other topics related to COVID-19. We are also creating a educative board game about coronavirus and disinformation for people to print in their houses during the lockdown. 
  • Podcast: Weekly we published a podcast about hoaxes and the most important informative pieces of the week.

About us is a non-profit fact-checking organization in Spain that fights disinformation and promotes transparency through fact-checking and data journalism techniques. Our main mission is to provide citizens with tools, technology and information that allows them to build informed opinions and make informed choices. We are the only Spanish organization appointed by the European Commission to take part in its High Level Group on Fake News and Disinformation and an approved signatory of the International Fact- Checking Network's Code of Principles.

Hazte maldito, Hazte maldita
Te necesitamos para combatir los bulos y la mentira: sólo juntos podemos pararla. En queremos darte herramientas para protegerte contra la desinformación, pero sólo con tu apoyo será posible.

Eres muy importante en esta batalla para que no nos la cuelen. Seguro que tienes conocimientos útiles para nuestra batalla contra los bulos. ¿Tienes conocimientos de idiomas? ¿Lo tuyo es la historia? ¿Sabes mucho sobre leyes? ¡Préstanos tu Superpoder y acabemos juntos con los bulos!

También puedes apoyarnos económicamente. una entidad sin ánimo de lucro y que sea sostenible e independiente, libre de publicidad y con profesionales bien remunerados dedicados a luchar, contigo, contra la desinformación depende de tu ayuda. Cada aportación cuenta, cualquier cantidad es importante.