No, the girl in this video is not being “forced to receive the COVID-19 vaccine”


A video allegedly showing a girl being “forced [to receive] the COVID-19 vaccine” has gone viral on Twitter, with over 15.000 retweets and millions of views. As reported in 2021, the girl uploaded another video saying she did want to be vaccinated, despite her fear of needles. You can read our original debunk in Spanish here.

Screenshot of the viral video.

The viral images include a watermark with the TikTok username of the person who uploaded the original content. After analysing the account in 2021, Maldita found that it belonged to the girl herself and that she had uploaded further videos in which she answered questions in regard to the vaccine post. The account is no longer available as of January 2023.

One of the questions asked if the “poor girl” was forced to get vaccinated, to which she replied that she did want to receive the vaccine and that she wasn’t there against her will. The girl also clarified that she had a “very big phobia of vaccines” and that she would have left the vaccination site if she hadn’t wanted to get the shot.

Screenshot of the other video in which the girl denies being forced to receive the vaccine.

Therefore, the girl in the video denied in a later recording that she had been forced to be vaccinated. You can read the original debunk in Spanish here.

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