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No, "military helicopters" are not going to fumigate all towns in Málaga: Ministry of Defence and Málaga County Council deny it


Amid the current coronavirus outbreak in Spain, many readers have enquired about an alleged statement signed by the Spanish Government, the Spanish Air Force, Andalucía's regional government and Malaga County Council that claims "military helicopters" are going to fumigate all towns in Málaga on March 14 at 23:00 due to COVID-19. However, the Ministry of Defence and the County Council have both denied that is going to happen.

The Spanish Ministry of Defence told that they are not going to fumigate Málaga or any other Spanish town, as we had previously reported.

Likewise, the Málaga County Council told us that none of the towns within the County were going to be fumigated. They also denied it on Twitter:

An audio that claimed there was going to be a fumigation over Cádiz (Andalucía) has also gone viral throughout the day. Like in Málaga, that is not going to happen.

Hazte maldito, Hazte maldita
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