Some of you have enquired on our chatbot (+34 644 229 319) about a text that claims there’s a link between the “Chinese biological laboratory in Wuhan”, pharmaceutical companies Glaxo and Pfizer and people such as George Soros and Bill Gates, among others.
Although it’s now being shared in Spanish and English, the origin of the text is a similar version that was first published in Italian on the 12th of November, authored by somebody called Giuseppe Renda. The message contains several false claims and there’s no evidence of a link between that lab, the companies and the people that are mentioned.
Who, by chance, owns Pfizer! (the one who produces the vaccine!)
Which, by chance, is managed by Black Rock finances.
Who, by chance, manages the finances of the Open Foundation Company (SOROS FOUNDATION)!
Which, by chance, serves the French AXA!
Coincidentally, he owns the German company Winterthur.
Who, by chance, built the Chinese laboratory in Wuhan!
Accidentally bought by the German Allianz.
Which, incidentally, has Vanguard as a shareholder.
Which is a shareholder of Black Rock.
Which controls the central banks and manages about ONE THIRD of the global investment capital.
Which, incidentally, is a major shareholder of MICROSOFT
The property of BILL GATES, who happens to be a shareholder of PFIZER (which sells the miracle VACCINE) and is currently the first sponsor of WHO !!!
If it is not clear enough why a bat came in and grabbed the SNAKE and the ENTIRE PLANET became infected, I can go on!
But please DO NOT MASSIVELY DISTRIBUTE my post..... Because I'm just a "CONSPIRACY NUT JOB" spreading fake news apparently!
The “Chinese biological lab in Wuhan” is the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) and it doesn’t belong to any company
The text talks about the “Chinese biological laboratory in Wuhan”, the city in which the first COVID-19 cases were detected back in December 2019, and it says the place belongs to the pharmaceutical company Glaxo, included in the GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) group. This is not true.
The message actually refers to the Wuhan Institute of Virology, an important investigation centre that is located near the Chinese city. The WIV has been widely targeted with disinformation and conspiracy theories. The truth is it doesn’t belong to any pharmaceutical company as it’s part of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), which at the same time is run by the Chinese government. The WIV is also part of the investigation institutes that appear in the Wuhan Branch of the CAS website.
It’s construction was finished in 2014 and it was supported by the International Centre for Research in Infectious Diseases, a French public institution. You can find more information about it in this February 2017 Nature article.
The most sensitive area of the centre is the level 4 biosecurity lab that was launched in 2018. The Chinese news agency Xinhuanet said in an article that the lab belongs to the CAS and at no point does it mention Glaxo or GSK.
The WIV and its investigators have a close relationship with other investigation centres from foreign countries. In this article published by The Washington Post on the 29th of January 2020 it’s said that the WIV is close to the Galveston National Laboratory at the University of Texas Medical Branch. This article doesn’t say that the Wuhan lab is privately owned by a company either.
Additionally, GSK told that they don’t own the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

Glaxo (GSK) doesn’t own Pfizer, nor Pfizer owns Glaxo
The viral message also claims that Glaxo (GSK) owns Pfizer, although by the way it’s written it could well say the opposite (that Pfizer owns Glaxo). It’s false in any case.
Glaxo and Pfizer are two different companies from the pharmaceutical industry. In December 2018 they announced a joint venture in order to reach “leadership positions in pain relief, respiratory and vitamins, minerals and supplements and therapeutic oral health”, according to a press release published at the time. They both also joined in a company called VIIV Healthcare, which aimed to develop therapies for the HIV infection.
Also, GSK and Pfizer are both listed in the stock exchange, meaning that the identity of the main investors is public. Here’s the information related to Pfizer and here’s that of GSK. As you can see, neither GSK or Pfizer appear in the lists.
In a statement, GSK told that “the only relation with Pfizer is the joint venture company that was formed for the consumer area, and ViiV Healthcare (focused on HIV), which is also a joint venture between Pfizer, Shionogi and GSK”.
Therefore, there’s no evidence that the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) is owned by Glaxo (GSK), a public scientific institution, nor that GSK belongs to Pfizer.